I did! And I got five at Best Buy (for everyone in the family who hasn't hopped on the iPod bandwagon).
The girl at the store looked at me a little funny and then said "I've heard some of his stuff... I like him!"
That's what I thought. ;-)
I had the chance to hear the whole album last week on iLike before it officially was in stores - and I liked it then - but listening to it in the car with the windows down, sunroof open, on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon... 100 times better! I've been rockin' ever since.
And since I'm convinced you all will love it too, I'm giving two of you a chance to do it for free!
Just comment here or send me an email at NCSULilWolf (at) gmail (dot) com and you'll be entered to win. I will give you your choice of having it physically in your hands or via iTunes, whatever floats your boat. Contest ends on Tuesday, May 5th (Cinco de Mayo)!
Your comment will get you one entry and re-posting this (and letting me know where - your blog, MySpace, facebook, whatever) will get you a second entry.
Check out Jason's website for the latest updates and be sure to get your tickets online ($5 cheaper!) for Saturday's Boots, Bands, and Bulls benefit concert, featuring Kevin Lee, Brian Davis, and Jason Michael Carroll here in Raleigh!
{Image: iLike.com}
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Did You Get JMC's New Album Yesterday?
Monday, April 27, 2009
More Beach Music - With Better Parking
I always get a little confused when I hear people complain about Raleigh and say "I can't wait to move away. It's SO boring here."
Ummm... some people just must not know where to look, because my calendar is full!

live music. great food. lots of fun!
Free Admission!
Time: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Place: Main Street, Downtown Garner
2009 Season Band Schedule
May 13th: The Fantastic Shakers
June 11th: The Band of Oz
July 9th: The Embers
August 13th: Holiday Band
September 10th: Craig Woolard Band
Yay, I love summer!!
{Image: Music on Main website.}
You Hungry?
I bet you will be after checking out all of the great happenings for Triangle Restaurant Week 2009!
It is no secret that I love going out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's not that I'm not a bad cook - I'm actually pretty good when I have time, but there are so many great restaurants around here, plus... I just love the whole experience since it's usually a group affair.
May 11th - 17th, 2009. Mark your calendars! See you there :-)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Growing Up is Getting Old
Want to know what's kept me so busy lately? Among other things, helping one of my favorite non-profits put together a FANTASTIC event happening here in Raleigh on May 2nd.
Here's the scoop:
Bring the family out to City Limits Saloon on May 2nd as Brittany's Battle presents "Boots, Bands & Bulls", a benefit concert with Kevin Lee, Brian Davis and Arista recording artist Jason Michael Carroll, whose new cd, Growing up is Getting Old, comes out on April 28th!
Gates will open at 1pm, and the show kicks off at 2pm with activities for the whole family and the best country music you'll find anywhere, so be sure and visit BootsBandsandBulls.com and get your tickets today!
PS - Holy crap. I almost forgot to thank Tyler for shooting, editing, and producing that video for us! You need video? You need my good friend Tyler who has started his own local company - Red Wire Video!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm the TBMF Expert...
...so don't BS me in regards to the Triangle Beach Music Festival!
If you still need to go get tickets to the TBMF this weekend, or you need extras like me, DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL KIDS RECORDS on Hillsborough Street.
I went to pick up tickets for a few out-of-towners who didn't want to buy them online and wait at will call to pick them up. They sent me their $25.00 and I hopped over to School Kids. The man (I guess the owner) behind the counter charged me $79.50 for three. It was supposed to be $75.00. I inquired as to why they were different than advertised and he looked me right in the eye and told me "everyone is charging more for them".
I am a moron and went ahead and paid the extra $4.50 -- even after telling him I know the folks who run the event and I was pretty sure that wasn't right. I promptly emailed my friend who does the tickets and website and he knew who I was talking about before even asking... he then told me that the other outlets aren't charging service charges!
Never lie to a woman -- we always find out... jerk!
If you still need to pick up tickets, go to Garden Gate Cafe in Garner. They have some left. For $25.00. (Tookie's is sold out.)
Call the other places if Garner is out of the way - and don't let them lie to you, either.
Whatever you do, don't go to School Kids. I never will again.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Koka Booth Summer Movies Are Back!
$3 is quite a deal and could be a great idea for a fun night out with friends or a date night!
The town says that patrons can bring a blanket or chair as Booth Amphitheater’s spacious lawn is turned in to an outdoor movie theater.
Adults - $3, Kids under 12 - free. (Good cause, too - $0.75 from each ticket sold is donated to the Just For Kids Kampaign at WakeMed.)
Venue Gates/Box Office Open at 7pm and the movies start at dusk. Cash only.
6/4- Quantum of Solace – PG13
6/11 - Kung Fu Panda - PG
6/18 - Moonstruck - PG
6/25 - Made of Honor – PG 13
7/2 - Wait Until Dark – Not Rated
7/9 - He’s Just Not That Into You – PG 13
7/16 - Twilight – PG 13
7/30 - Blades of Glory – PG-13
8/6 - Mama Mia – PG 13
8/13 - Tale of Despereaux – G
For more information visit: http://www.townofcary.org and Koka Booth's website.
Image Source: Koka Booth
Friday, April 17, 2009
{Double Post} Dress for Success Auction & Show
As I've mentioned many times before, my area has just gotten its own Dress for Success local affiliate and I am a proud volunteer!We have an online auction going on right now with some great items up for grabs... check it out!
Success Suits Her Gift Bags and Free Tickets to the Southern Women's Show are up for grabs!
Speaking of which, the Dress for Success fashion show at the Southern Women's Show:
Dress for Success - NC Triangle Affiliate will have a fashion show at the Southern Women's Show featuring clients wearing Dress for Success clothing. Sue Stock (N&O) and Sonya Williams (Tarheel Talk) will share wardrobe stretching tips, reveal the hottest bags from Beijo and most importantly, celebrate each woman's success. Please be there and support these great women on this special day.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Yeahhhh Buddy!
That's what I'm talkin' about!! (It only took us an entire season of Ls to pull off our first W!)
As you can imagine, a major celebration went down at The Bassment that night.
Read the recap here.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Beach Music at North Hills
The parking situation at North Hills will likely be a disaster, but will definitely be worth the effort for some of these shows.
Thursdays from 6-9pm in the Commons
April 16-The Embers
April 23-The Castaways
April 30-The Tams
May 7-Liquid Pleasure
May 14-Black and Blue
May 21-The Embers
May 28-The Attractions
June 4-The Maxx
June 11-The Craig Woolard Band
June 18-The Voltage Brothers
June 25-The Catalinas
July 2-North Tower
July 9-The Kays
July 16-Liquid Pleasure
July 23-The Part Time Party Time Band
July 30-Johnny White and the Elite Band
August 6-The Entertainers
August 13-The Craig Woolard Band
August 20-The Coconut Groove Band
August 27-The Embers
The Midtown Music Beach Music Series is sponsored by Johnson Lexus, WRAL.COM, Bud Light Lime, Widmer, and Park and Market.
*Rain dates will be scheduled for Thursdays in September*
Saturday, April 04, 2009
So Appropriate
UNC is playing right now, actually.
Received this funny little story via email today... and it's SO appropriate.
A newspaper reporter from the News & Observer witnessed the incident and rushed over to interview the boy. The reporter began entering data into his laptop, beginning with the headline: "Brave Young Tar Heels Fan Saves Friend From Jaws Of Vicious Animal."
"But I'm not a Heels fan," the little hero interjected..
"Sorry," replied the reporter. "But since we're in North Carolina, I just assumed you were." Hitting the delete key, the reporter begins again, "NC State Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Dog Attack."
"But I'm not a State fan either," the boy responds.
The reporter says, "I assumed everybody in this state was either for the Heels or the Wolfpack. What team do you root for?"
"I'm a Duke fan," the boy says, grinning widely.
Hitting the delete key, the reporter begins again, "Arrogant Little Yankee Bastard Kills Beloved Family Pet."
Thursday, April 02, 2009
It's Thirsty Thursday!

I know there was some good interest from my post last season, so I thought I'd throw this out for skeeson 2. Come join, it's a lot of fun - and good people, too!
Check out this Skee4All blog post for the details on Raleigh's Skeeson 2 kick-off.
Come play or just hang out, whatever works for ya.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Bridal Parties & the Like: Downtown Raleigh
I have been been bouncing around the idea of starting a website or blog dedicated to being the most awesome bridesmaid you can be... ever. You know, something to the tune of "winggirls.com".
Why? Because I get asked questions like this on a weekly, if not daily, basis.
Here are a few of my recommendations:
Super trendy upscale decor, great wine selection, and catering available from Tobacco Road.
On Glenwood
Tobacco Road {http://tobaccoroadsportscafe.com/about/index.html}
Dining room or private room reservation. Great food, full bar, and a very attentive and friendly staff.
On Glenwood
Metro Café {http://www.wix.com/metrocafeandlounge/metrocoffee}
The girls from the E. Riley-soon-to-be-Dorn team and I hosted one here recently. They let us bring in our own food (great budget saver) and were SO nice.
City Market
Peche de Chocolat {http://www.pechechocolat.com/}
A chocolate and wine bar that has just relocated from City Market to Glenwood, too. Laura is the owner, she's awesome.
On Glenwood
The Oxford - {http://oxfordraleigh.com/}
For a large party, you can likely reserve the area "under the stars" that stayed after the conversion from Yancey's to The Oxford. Great food, full bar.
Fayetteville Street
All of these suggestions are in Downtown Raleigh. Each website should have an email address or a contact page for you or whoever is planning your party to contact each venue about hosting the event there.
If anyone reading wants some options in Cary or any other parts of town, just shoot me an email or leave a comment!
Any other Downtown suggestions from my fellow Raleigh kids?